
Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Belly Blog

I have come to the conclusion that I spend a lot of my time hating my belly. I hate the way it looks I hate the way it feels. I spend a good part of my life thinking of all the ways it is an inconvenience to me and my life. I have dieted and exercised, but lets face it the pounds do not come off like they did 10 years ago. I have this constant battle with the weight and especially the belly. I fantasize about what my life would be like without the belly. Things would be so much better "if only I didn't have the belly". This is where my mind tends to go and stay for long periods of time.

Today something hit me like a ton of bricks. I thought out of thin air"Instead of thinking of all the things I hate about my belly why don't I think of all the things that my belly has done for me." What a concept. My mind started to wonder in the direction of what my belly has done for my life and where would I be without it? Well for starters it has brought four amazing children into this world. That one is a no brainer. I started to think of other things that it has done. It has told me when it is hungry and told me when it's full. It has helped keep me living. These are all the obvious things that come to mind. I then realized that the belly is really the center of everything in my life. It is my core. It is what helps keep me upright and strong. It has felt happiness with a good Strong laugh. It has felt sadness when life throws me a curve ball. It has been there through everything in my life.

Today I have made a choice to celebrate the belly rather than loath it. Today I will make a conscience effort to love my belly and everything in my life it represents. Who knows how long this feeling will last but for today I will shout " I love my belly!"